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Important: DFT total cap reduced. DFT buy back plan released. No more new DFTs released.

Dearusers: TradingonDigiFinextogetfreeDFTminingrewardsprogramreceivesalotofsupportandattentionfro.

1900/1/1 0:00:00
FINE:DFT buy back and burn announcement for 27th -28th Aug

Dearusers, Accordingto,DigiFinexhaspurchasedDFTfromopenmarketon27thand28thAug.AndalltheDFTsbought.

1900/1/1 0:00:00
NEX:DFT buy back and burn announcement

Dearusers, Accordingto,inordertocomplywithexistingregulations.

1900/1/1 0:00:00