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AND:Rename Statement (更名聲明)


Time:1900/1/1 0:00:00






區塊鏈游戲聯盟任命The Sandbox高管Serena Tabacchi為董事會成員:4月8日消息,專注于推動游戲領域采用區塊鏈技術的行業組織區塊鏈游戲聯盟(BGA)任命The Sandbox合作伙伴經理Serena Tabacchi為其最新的董事會成員,以促進女性參與該領域。

BGA董事會的其他成員包括Sebastien Borget(Animoca Brands、The Sandbox)、Gabby Dizon(Yield Guild Games)、Aleksander Larsen(Sky Mavis)、Nicolas Pouard(Ubisoft)、Piers Kicks(Bitkraft)。Tabacchi替代Caty Tedman(Dapper Labs)的位置,后者于2021年從BGA董事會辭職。(Techinasia)[2022/4/8 14:13:27]


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Rename Statement

Starting from September 23rd, 2021, the CESS Distributed Storage Project, which we have been leading and developing for four years, has been officially renamed EDCS Distributed Storage Project. Please inform each other and be sure to know!

OKEx現已開放BAND, JST, REN, RSR, wNXM, YFII提幣服務:據官方公告,OKEx已完成BAND, JST, REN, RSR, wNXM, YFII錢包維護,現已開放提幣。[2020/8/31]

We are a creative computer R&D team with dreams, and the technical characteristics of blockchain always make us keep up with its development. In view of the fact that the development of global 5G technology is bound to bring explosive growth of data volume, it must be a trend and opportunity to innovate the way of data storage. So, in October 2017, we formally established the CESS Distributed Storage Project, striving for seize the opportunities in the storage field through the exploration and innovation of various technology’s arrangements and combinations. Although the process of the technology development is so uncertain and there were constant problems along the way, we still devote ourselves to solving problems and exploring optimization paths. Finally, it took four years to develop a very satisfactory distributed storage product.

共為2020 | 幣核科技Karen Zhang:HBTC霍比特公鏈致力于成為構建區塊鏈金融的基礎設施:金色財經現場報道,2020年6月21日,由金色財經主辦的共為2020·區塊鏈創新應用論壇在深圳拉開帷幕。本次會議由幣核科技冠名贊助、HBTC霍比特作為戰略合作企業。幣核科技全球市場總裁Karen Zhang現場進行《新基建背景下,公鏈如何發力》主題演講指出,HBTC Chain有三點功能:助推公鏈底層互通互聯互認,有效拓展市場深度,增強系統穩定;構建完全去中心化,確保資產安全及隱私保護一體的交易生態;支持所有需要和區塊鏈資產交互的DAPP在HBTC鏈上開發。

HBTC Chain即將開放公測,屆時將上線核心功能是通過去中心化托管賦能各類成熟公鏈,實現公鏈資產跨鏈互操性,推進去中心化借貸、DEX等應用的生態完善。致力于成為構建區塊鏈金融的基礎設施,與業內同行一起創造更多的價值。[2020/6/21]

During four years of research and development, we have only participated in a handful of industry seminars. However, even though we are low-key enough, this track is really messy. It is surprising that many CESS Distributed Storage Projects have emerged, making it difficult for users to distinguish the real from the fake, and even peers who have communicated with us before will come to ask us for proof. We are both puzzled and angry. At the same time, we are actively seeking ways to right our name.

Google Trends:“Bitcoin”搜索量自2018年初起下降75%:據CNBC6月4日報道,根據Google Trends的數據,在Google上“Bitcoin”這個詞的搜索量自2018年年初起下降了75%,在最近的三個月內下降了一半。其他加密貨幣的搜索量也大幅下降,其中以太幣下降70%,比特幣現金下降82%。[2018/6/5]

Therefore, in order to reintroduce all users to us and truly witness the results of 4 years of research and development without the interference of industry’s chaos, we have made big decisions: From September 23st, 2021, CESS Distributed Storage Project, officially renamed as EDCS Distributed Storage Project!

EDCS Distributed Storage Project (Formerly CESS Distributed Storage Project) is to build different communities according to different language environments and user bases around the world. It will now fully support the construction of two language communities, English and Chinese, and carry out the landing exploration of distributed storage.

Meanwhile, the main network of EDCS Distributed Storage Project will enter the testing phase in October 2021. The main network is expected to be officially launched in November 2021. For more information, please follow the information section on the EDCS official website.

Hereby declared!

EDCS Distributed Storage Project Side

(Formerly CESS Distributed Storage Project Side)


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